3 Tips to Combat a Low Appraisal
After all the time you spent finding the ideal home, negotiating back and forth with the seller on the price and terms, both you and the seller may be stunned when the appraisal comes in below the purchase agreement's price. While low appraisals aren’t as common as they were as we rose from the as
First Time Homebuyer Steps to Success (Step 3)
Unless you'll be paying cash for a home or you are applying for a loan backed by the government (such as a USDA or VA loan) or a Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac loan, you'll need at least 20 percent of the loan amount in cash. This is the down payment, required by the lender. The larger the down payment
First Time Homebuyer Steps to Success (Step 2)
Last time we looked how lenders determine your rate and your credit worthiness based on your credit score. We suggested that you order your credit reports from the “big 3” credit reporting agencies. When you receive your credit reports look for mistakes or anything else you can challenge. Accordin
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